10 Second Choices

10 Second Choices (The Echo World, May 2017)
 How would our life, and our world, be different if we practiced awareness rather than conclusion and decision?  If we kept making choices every 10 seconds, would we be more present?
If we lived from choice rather than “have to,” what other possibilities could we create?  “Have to, don’t have a choice” Is that really ever true? In my experience, it’s a matter of not liking the consequences.  Granted, sometimes the possible consequences might be judged as dire, however, it is really a choice…we don’t choose to experience the possible consequences.
Just by saying it differently, we create greater possibilities and open ourselves to greater joy.  I have to go to work.  End of story.  No possibility for something different there.
On the other hand…I choose to go to work.  Hmmm, why do I choose that?  I like to have money to pay my bills, to eat, to have a home, to have clothes, to go out and have fun.  Wow, I am grateful for all this job brings to my life! What else might I choose?  What would contribute even more to my life and our world? Hmmm, I’d really like to (fill in the blank)….what would it take to create that possibility?
Let’s look at relationship…sometimes people decide to commit to each other and it’s like “check, that’s done….don’t have to think about that anymore.” How does it feel different to choose and be chosen every day, every moment.  Scarier? More exciting? More free? More engaged?
We humans like to create habits and there’s something to be said for that sometimes, like the habit of brushing our teeth.  How much more alive and present would we be if we chose awareness and choice over habit and “have to?”