Energy of Life, Energy of Healing

Energy of Life, Energy of Healing (The Echo World, August 2017)

Being vibrantly alive requires that life energy (sometimes called chi, ki, or prana) flows with balance and ease throughout our bodies, our beings, and our lives. The essence of healing is the balancing and adjustment of this flow as directed/intended by an individual and their relationship with Spirit (God/dess or source energy).

In my ideal world, we would be raised learning how to attend to our own energy. I believe this is an inherent capacity we all have. Have you ever bumped your knee and put your hand on it?

One of my roles as a facilitator/coach/practitioner is to follow the energy and assist a client in clearing the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic blocks to that which they desire – be that physical healing or a new job. Another role is to function as a clear conduit through which the client and their body may, consciously or unconsciously, draw or receive life energy.

My first significant awareness of this energy was through receiving acupuncture and practicing T’ai Chi. It was nearly 30 years ago that I chose to be trained/attuned in Reiki. Since then I have studied many modalities and traditions, and removed many of my own blocks to expand my capacity to follow, clear and balance energy.

My knowing is that we are energy first, then form; all disease, injury –even accidents– occurs first in our energy field/bodies. When we attend to our energy, directly or through a practitioner, we can improve our well-being and expand the possibilities in our life.

Each of us can choose to raise our awareness, learn to sense this flow and open communion and communication with our body and with all of life. A simple place to start is with questions. Body how do you desire to receive energy today? Body what do you need to be in optimal balance and flow today? These are questions to be with, not think about. Relax, listen and trust your body to show you the way.