Access Consciousness®…How Does It Get Any Better Than This???

Access Consciousness®…How Does It Get Any Better Than This??? (The Echo World, June 2017)

Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit? Me, too. A lot. And then I was introduced to Access Consciousness.
I have been on a healing path since 1990…slogging through obstacles, healing wounds, envisioning and working toward the life I desire. I’ve come a long way using a variety of tools to maintain steady progress with moments of grace and rapid evolution.
Access Consciousness, on the other hand has helped me POOF! patterns. Yes, POOF! It’s there and then it’s not…like magic! It may sound silly…yet, if it works, do you really mind silly?
What is Access Consciousness? It’s a dynamic, irreverent, potent, practical, simple means of change founded by Gary Douglas in 1995 and co-created with Dr. Dain Heer since 2000. It’s also a movement co-created with thousands of facilitators. A movement that has expanded from 40 to 173 countries in the last two years.
Access Consciousness provides thousands of tools to help us become consciousness and oneness. It doesn’t claim, nor does it desire, to be “the only way.” However we choose consciousness is awesome. If we choose not to be conscious, that’s ok, too. It’s just a choice. We can choose differently in any moment.
All of the Access tools are meant to bring us to greater awareness, choice, and consciousness. What is consciousness? In Access terms, Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. Consciousness is the willingness and capacity to be totally aware and totally present; to continually perceive greater possibilities, greater choice, greater LIFE!
From that point of view, everything is just a choice. There is no wrongness. No wrongness in you, or me, or any of our choices…ever. If we didn’t need to choose from our feelings of wrongness and separation, how would our life and our world be different?
The most fundamental tool of Access Consciousness is to stay in the question. Questions create and expand possibilities. Conclusions and decisions contract them…only what we have decided is possible can occur. When we stay in the question we can choose and still be willing to choose something different when a greater possibility arises.
How much more could we create if we chose that? Some questions to start with:
What else is possible?
How does it get any better than this?
What’s right about me (or this) that I’m not getting?
The point of these questions isn’t to seek an answer. Instead, the idea is to allow the universe to inspire and create.
Such questions are part of what Access calls verbal processing. There are also a few statements, like the Access mantra: All of life comes to us with ease, joy, and glory. Perhaps the most potent is the “magic wand” of Access, the Access Clearing Statement. It is short for 6 pages of verbal processing designed to bring up energies around anything that is sticking us and clear them. Frequently, this creates the POOF! I mentioned at the beginning of this article. (visit to learn more). All of this verbal processing is a means of clearing the energy underneath the words we’ve built our life on. It’s intended to bring us beyond our thinking to our knowing and to greater awareness and choice.
The Bars is a body process whereby the practitioner holds points on our head which allows us to discharge the electrical charge of polarity storing thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes which we have held as important, even unconsciously, at any point in our existence. It’s like hitting the delete key on our computer. Having our Bars run increases our awareness and opens the way for us to consciously choose rather than function from patterns we have bought into, often without being aware of doing so. When we have our Bars run, worst case: we feel like we had a great massage; best case: our whole life will change.
For those of us who desire “scientific understanding,” Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin lead a research project in 2015 to study what goes on in the brains of 60 people during an Access Bars session. His preliminary results showed that 96% of study participants experienced elevated activity at the frequency which correlates to our connection to the morphogenic field (the universal field that connects us all). This level of activity also indicates the occurrence of energy healing. Additionally, 63% of participants experienced elevated activity at the frequencies associated with higher states of consciousness.
Like The Bars, the other Access body processes are designed to clear energies locked in our body, to deepen our awareness, create greater choice and bring us to conscious co-creation with our body. How would your life be different if you related to your body as a wise, creative, and potent partner?
I’ve used a whole lot of words to describe tools that ultimately go beyond words…it’s all about following the energy to greater possibilities for all of us. Whatever area of your life you desire to heal or expand, could Access Consciousness assist you in creating greater possibilities? In changing your world? If this feels light to you, how do you learn more?
A great place to start is Beyond Words ( This recent half hour video features founders Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, Glenn Sheppard (who has diagnoses of Down syndrome and autism), and his facilitator Delany Delaney, and Dr. Fannin sharing their knowledge experience and research of Access Consciousness. There are many videos on YouTube and books on and We are also blessed to have a growing number of Access Bars Practitioners and Facilitators (B.F., certified to teach the Bars) in our area.
A note for anyone who loves a child: Access recognizes the potency of our kids. Youth under 18 can attend many classes at half price, and kids under 16 can often attend for free with a parent. What possibilities can we create in our world when we and our kids know the gift that we be??!

®Access Consciousness, The Bars, Access Bars are registered Trademarks of Access Consciousness, LLC, as are the following phrases: Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing; What else is possible?; How does it get any better than this?; All of life comes to us with ease, joy, and glory.