Are You Willing to Gift AND Receive With the Earth?

Are You Willing to Gift AND Receive With the Earth? (The Echo World, April 2018)

Earth day often inspires guilt, shame, and judgment. We often contrast “dominion over” and “stewardship of” the earth. What if the greatest gift to the earth, and to all who reside here is communion with?

Take a moment to breath with and tune into the earth. Do you sense any judgment? The earth is all about allowance, harmony and balance. She will guide us if we choose, yet she does so without judgment or expectation. There isn’t a sense of greater or lesser…only of a desire for mutual respect and care.

The joy that the earth and Nature experience when we step up to communion and co-creation is their – and our – natural way of being. It’s a gifting and receiving, bi-directional sharing of equals…as opposed to the giving and taking of humans in a superior relationship with the earth. Breathe into that for a moment…do you sense the difference?

We can make a tremendous difference in the well-being of the earth,, and all who reside here with very simple practices:

Gratitude ~ Gratitude is the simplest form of gifting, the simplest way to release judgment…and the simplest step to our own well-being.

Honor ~ Consciously release expectations, judgments, and projections from the past…You might even destroy and uncreate your relationship with the earth, and others, every day. Relationship occurs between two or more objects. To be in relationship we have to create separation…what would it be like to choose communion instead?

Allowance ~ Let the Earth, and everyone on it, be who and where they are. Have you noticed that when we live our most joyful life of gifting and receiving, others often follow our lead and even ask for guidance?

Trust ~ Trust that the earth, and each of us, is doing our very best with what we have. Trust that the earth will continue her cycles, continue her change and evolution. Trust that people are going to choose as they’ve been choosing, until they are ready to change. Being in allowance, gratitude, and honoring, often has the effect of making it safe for people to look at other possibilities.

Vulnerability ~ Be willing to not have the answers. Feelings are often our mind’s interpretation of our body’s sensing. Look behind the feelings to where you’ve given events and experiences meaning. Be willing to ask questions…to be in the question. You might try being with: What is this? What do I do with it? Can I change it? How do I change it? This isn’t a thinking thing…it’s an invitation to the Universe to inspire you.

Ask ~ Consider starting your day with something like “Earth, what do you require of me today?” It will never be more than you can do/be…just follow your awareness. It may be that you are guided to a special place of beauty to be nourished by and grateful for…or simply to be more of the magic that you are…