Whatever It Takes…

Whatever It Takes… (The Echo World, February 2018)

Are you willing to be and do whatever it takes to create the life, living, and world you desire?

The Universe is plotting to do us good…as conscious co-creators it is our job to ask and to be willing to receive. This is not as passive as it may sound…as we request of the Universe, we must demand of ourselves: to be, know, perceive, receive and do whatever it takes. With practice, this will become a constant process of trusting our awareness and following the energy of “What next?” As we are learning, the process might look like this:

  1. Allow your body to be your ally. Ask if, what, and how much it requires for nourishment, movement, rest, clothing, etc. Frequently, we will get a sense of what is true or false for us through our body. The more we honor and practice communicating with our body, the easier this (and most everything else) becomes.
  2. Demand of ourselves. Ask a morning question such as: “What does the life I desire to create require of me today?” Or, if we’re focused on a specific concern: “What can I be or do today to change (or create) _________right away?” (This also requests the Universe to show us and support us in our quest.)
  3. Follow the energy. As you go through your day and the dozens of choices that arise, stay in the question, e.g., “What next?”, and follow what you sense/feel is light, expansive, or true for you.
  4. Trust yourself. Even – perhaps especially – if it doesn’t make sense.
  5. Acknowledge your awareness and successes with gratitude, daily. This strengthens your trust as well as your well-being.

One example of this process can be seen in how I write my articles. When I decide it must be done NOW and immediately sit down and force myself through it, it’s like pushing a rope: time consuming, frustrating, and often tremendous work to produce quality. If, instead, I request of the Universe what is to be created and follow the energy…it will percolate and unfold until I feel compelled to sit at the computer as it flows forth virtually complete – with better content, less editing and more joy than if I forced it. This process could take hours, days, or longer…I might be guided to the topic by a question from a client or conversation with a friend; a dozen – or a hundred – other events might occur, most of which seem totally unrelated, some so on point as to be unmistakable synchronicity.

No one can tell us what our process should look like…and the details may vary widely from project to project…even from day to day. We are each the expert on ourselves. Take what resonates for you and leave the rest. How much more joy can you experience and how much more can you create and contribute, if you choose to trust your knowing and follow the energy as you rise to the challenge of doing whatever it takes to create the life, living and world you desire?

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