Is It Really a Weed?

Is It Really a Weed? (The Echo World, October 2018)

We use the term “weed” to indicate any plant that is someplace we don’t want it. Nature is a master of harmony and balance. Like people, there are no mistakes. If a plant sprouts somewhere, it is because there is something about it that is needed. Sometimes it is a gift for humans which brings medicine or nourishment, like dandelion or lambs quarters. Sometimes it serves other plants, or the physical balance of the soil and garden. Frequently a plant serves multiple purposes. Even “invasive” plants serve a purpose.

Before we pull out a “weed,” especially one new to our garden, we might take a few minutes to learn a bit about it. Often a plant is present partly, even primarily, for an energetic reason. It might be serving the garden or it might be there for a specific individual. This type of information won’t be in a standard reference, however, we might take a moment to ask the plant who it is and what gifts it brings.

Just like people, some plants will communicate boldly and directly, others will seem more shy and quiet…meditating or working around the plant while holding the question can be a gentle and respectful way to invite communication. If we listen and trust our awareness, we might be amazed by what we learn…we might even gain a new friend!

We can also check our favorite references to confirm or determine its “technical” identity and what gifts it is thought to bring. I recommend multiple sources as each will have its own focus and perspective.

Once we understand why the plant is there, we might find a deeper gratitude for its presence, whether we choose to leave it, harvest it or remove it with gratitude for the energy it has brought. Deepening our understanding of the plant world, deepens our connection with Nature and the diversity of nourishment we might receive from our food and our world.

Please remember, most medicines, pharmaceutical or natural, can be harmful if not used with care. On the other hand, even “poisonous” plants like pokeweed can be a nutritious boon IF prepared correctly. Additionally, each of us is unique. We might be more, or less, sensitive than others. Awareness and moderation —as well as a spirit of adventure— serve us well…especially when exploring the gifts our garden and Nature offer!