How do you Decide or Choose?

How do you Decide or Choose? (The Echo World, May 2018)

In this culture, we often learn to be rational in our important decision making, perhaps even including our feelings. For less important decisions, we create habits, go with the flow of others or decide without much attention. Have you noticed that even if we consider ourselves good decision makers, our moment by moment decisions don’t always yield the results we desire?

I’m not saying that our mind and emotions are bad. What if there is more? Many of us have had moments when we just “knew” what we had to do, even if it didn’t make logical sense. Some might call this instinct or intuition. In Access Consciousness, we call it knowing or awareness.

How do we train ourselves to use that knowing quickly, easily, all the time? Mostly, it’s a matter of practice and trust. Staying out of judgment and in question.

If we’re looking for the right decision, that’s a judgment – feels kind of heavy and contractive doesn’t it? Judgments shut down all other possibilities. What if we ask a question? “What can I choose that would create greater? Does that feel lighter, more expansive? What if you asked that knowing that when a choice doesn’t work for you anymore, whether that’s 10 minutes or ten years from now, you can choose something else? Now trust what comes from that. It may or may not be an immediate answer…you may sense you need to call someone or go somewhere, or it may become clear as you talk or write about it, or even in a dream.

Question is a great tool. That simple question can be used in many situations. At a restaurant, ask a question and you may find you look at the menu and one choice draws your eye. Even if it’s not something you think you like, what if it would totally nourish your body? You might be surprised how good it tastes when you choose to be aware of your body!

Light~Heavy, is a great tool which you can use anywhere. What’s true for you feels lighter…a lie (even if it’s true for others) feels heavier. On “bigger” choices you might tune in to what a choice would create 5 or 10 years down the road…beyond what your mind can easily imagine.