An Invitation to Communion

An Invitation to Communion (The Echo World, November 2018)

Recently, I sensed the earth was requesting a contribution. This is a common experience for me, as it is for many of us, whether we are aware of it, or not. For me, such a request is often indicated by a sensation in my body – what I might call pain, pressure, fogginess, or intensity. That’s the easiest way for the earth to get my attention when I’m not actively choosing to be aware. Perhaps it’s the same for you?

The trick, for me, is to go into question when I become aware of the sensation, rather than conclusion or judgment (“oh, this must be because…”). I’m getting better at asking, “Who does this belong to? Me? Someone else? Something else? If it’s something else, It’s usually the earth trying to get my attention.

This particular time, the earth requested I pray with my ceremonial pipe. As I began to pray, offering gratitude and blessings and opening myself to deeper communication with the earth and Spirit, I got that I’d been requested to pray with my pipe as it is one of the easiest ways to get my thinking mind out of the way and open me to truer communication. This level of communication is one form of communion. Another is the sense of oneness beyond our differentiation as separate beings.

The level of communion being requested by the earth is in between these two, as I understand it. It is a pragmatic form that can only happen between those who recognize themselves as equal partners. The form of communion to which we are being invited is not a forgetting of ourselves, it is a true seeing of the beauty, gifts and challenges of ourselves and of all others.

One of the gifts, and challenges, of the level of communion that is being requested by the earth, I was told, is that You cannot maintain communion with one without being in communion with all. This invitation to communion is a request that we move out of polarity, out of judgment, out of comparison…into allowance, choice and communion with all.

Each of us possesses specific innate talents and energetic composition and it is these, along with our willingness, that are most needed at this time. While our differences are often judged to be “problems,” they are in fact, gifts, or sometimes indications of gifts, which are vitally needed at this time.

It is not for us to decide who is “worthy” of communion. It is for each of us to choose to be willing to be communion. Communion is not an act, it is not something that is done to us, it is a way of being that we choose, moment by moment. Each moment that we choose separation or judgment of anything, anyone, or any behavior, we choose to not be in communion. What? When there is so much wrong in ourselves, in other people, in the world, how do we change it if we don’t judge it? Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to change something that doesn’t “matter,” something we don’t judge or make significant?

What if there is no wrongness? What if it’s just the best choices each of us has been able to make? Until Now.

What if the easiest, quickest, and perhaps only way to create greater for everyone is to choose beyond judgment and separation; beyond even tolerance and acceptance; to choose allowance and communion? From that space, what if each of us asks “What can I be and do to create greater here for all?” What might we create then?

What if we don’t do it perfectly? I can guarantee we won’t do it perfectly. Sometimes we’ll choose communion, sometimes we’ll choose separation. Sometimes we will judge ourselves, or others, unmercifully…sometimes we will see the beauty, grace and magic that we be. What if it is all ok?

Not everyone is going to choose…not now, perhaps not for a long time. What we need are rebels, leaders, people who are willing to choose for themselves, to lead even if no one follows. Each one of us that does, each moment that we do, makes it easier to choose the next moment and makes it easier for the next person to choose.

What would it create in your life? What would it create in our world? If we just choose? Choose allowance, choose communion…with ourselves, with the earth, with one other being…Would you like to find out?